Fred is now out of the battered cardboard box, and I’m amazed at the numerous places the threadbare bear has landed. You’ll find him on Amazon, eBay, Goodreads, World of Books, amongst many, many more places, both near and far. It’s incredible how many miles a little threadbare bear can travel. Of course, travelling as carbon neutral as possible.

One of my characters in the book is Nesmith, the monkey with the long dangly arms and legs. Those of you of a certain age may remember Mike Nesmith of The Monkees fame and he was the inspiration for the name. I loved The Monkees as a child. A group of my friends, and I, set up a Saturday morning ‘Monkees Club’, held in Penny’s bedroom. This was very convenient for me because I lived across the road. We would talk all things Monkees, drool over pictures in magazines and listen to the same songs over and over. Penny’s mum must have been very tolerant!

I was sure that, one day, I would marry Davy Jones. Sadly, it wasn’t to be… perhaps I was just a Daydream Believer!
Fred Bear – A Very Threadbare Bear is a delightful story with many endearing characters to enchant and warm your heart. If you’d like to get to know them, you will have to read the book. Fred is now just a click away.

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